Where are all the records?

So asked Carlos from Chile a few years ago. “Zhe Beatlesh sold millionsh eh. Where are zhey? Zhe Who? BEEG Band! Zhey sold millionsh… So where are the recordsh?” Carlos would come to the UK every 6 months. He’d stay … Continue reading

Out Now -Vultures- PLAY LOUD

In case you haven’t heard, Friday is the New Global Release Day. Q: Tell me why? A: They don’t like Mondays… There was a meeting and some industry types thought it would revive the music business and some independent shops … Continue reading

Voxbox Blog

The Shop

VoxBox Music became the newest record shop in the world on May 21st 2011. We buy and sell vinyl and other formats of music. We are independent and sell mostly pre-owned records although we are slowly branching into new vinyl too.

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