Records are records are records right? Circular things with grooves that contain music that you need to look after? No. Not if you’re a youngster. (By that I mean sub 30) The Record Collector types and the Mojo Man are … Continue reading →
A young fellow from somewhere in Fife got in touch last year by email and told me he had a band and that they had an album which was already recorded and that he was just looking for a label … Continue reading →
It is Valentine’s Day 2015 at nearly half past four and the inside of the shop is just too small and by trying to clear some space there are records all over the place and full boxes of records everywhere. … Continue reading →
My first copies of The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars and Hunky Dory came from a record fair held in a large hall at The University of Liverpool in 1995. I remember that well. … Continue reading →
Before the Iron Maiden post, I was about to type a blog bit about Javier, a canny buyer from Santiago who was making a living here in Edinburgh sending boxes of records back home to Chile. He’d go to the … Continue reading →
So Tesco are selling the Iron Maiden album in 55 Metro stores to see how it goes. They have priced it at £24 which has undercut Amazon who are selling at £24.99. It is worth noting that the price Independent … Continue reading →
So asked Carlos from Chile a few years ago. “Zhe Beatlesh sold millionsh eh. Where are zhey? Zhe Who? BEEG Band! Zhey sold millionsh… So where are the recordsh?” Carlos would come to the UK every 6 months. He’d stay … Continue reading →
In case you haven’t heard, Friday is the New Global Release Day. Q: Tell me why? A: They don’t like Mondays… There was a meeting and some industry types thought it would revive the music business and some independent shops … Continue reading →
I was away from the shop and my mobile telephone rang. “Do we have the new Randolph Sleep album? A customer is asking.” It was a VoxBox employee that will remain un-named. Randolph Sleep is of course Wayne Sleep’s musically … Continue reading →
Because a mainer to my vein leads to a centre in my head… [Lou Reed] I started the Fox Box label last year with the intention of eventually creating a vehicle to help Edinburgh bands that are self releasing music … Continue reading →