Because a mainer to my vein leads to a centre in my head… [Lou Reed]
I started the Fox Box label last year with the intention of eventually creating a vehicle to help Edinburgh bands that are self releasing music to gain better exposure. Whether on CD, cassette or vinyl, you get a catalogue number and we’ll work together and see what happens.
In the music industry there are a lot of Vultures out there that will pick what’s left of you apart after the sharks get you. ?? What a disaster of an analogy. A maze… The music industry can seem to be a strange maze. Anyway, the idea is to help with advice, sharing contacts and by generally pooling some friendly music people together in a loose collective so that pitfalls can be avoided and the music can be more widely heard.
I’ve mentioned before that one of my favourite Edinburgh bands is Delta Mainline. They are real perfectionists and made a cracking record, Oh! Enlightened, a couple of years ago. It’s fabulous rock music with great patient moments, a couple of belters and really tip-top lyrics too. It’s constructed as a proper album rather than a collection of songs and is so well crafted that you really want to listen to the whole thing from start to finish. It is consequently right up my street and we are still selling them too. The album’s reviews were also pretty fine including some in glossy music mags and the national papers as you can see:
So, when I heard earlier this year that they were recording a new album, I asked if they’d like to be on the fledgling label and after some thought, they said yes. So here we are. They are an experienced band and are used to organising most things themselves so I’m leaving them to do what they do and hope that we (shop and label) can help out a bit with the shop’s contacts and so on.
I’m now incredibly proud to say we will be releasing their new single Vultures on Fox Box Records on August 3rd.

Vultures by Delta Mainline is FXY004
The new album is still being recorded and will have a different sound to the last. It is due for release next year. Before then, we have Vultures, the new single on green vinyl. It’s a really luxury package with great artwork and a printed inner. It was recorded in Glasgow at Chem 19 and mastered by Geoff Pesch at Abbey Road. The B-side has remixes by Julian Corrie (Miaoux Miaoux) and Graeme Ronald (Remember Remember). The single also features the Cairn String Quartet. It’s safe to say, they’ve worked hard on it and have pulled out all the stops! The band themselves have stripped down to a five piece from seven and the sound on the single is nice and mellow before it gives you a Zidane to the solar plexus.
When can you hear this cracking new single, complete with Zidane to the solar plexus? I hear you say. Soon my friend. Very soon.
Meanwhile, if you trust me, you can pre-order and you can also have a shifty at their new website here. -Updated to better match the artwork of the single. Perfectionists you see.
Of course you can also pick the single up from all the best record shops from August the 3rd. There are 250 hand numbered copies and it will also be available digitally.
The Edinburgh launch gig is still to be fully firmed up and will be announced soon.
They are playing Jocktoberfest on Sept 5th and again on 19th September in support of The Telescopes at Limbo. More to come…
Meanwhile you can listen to full Oh! Enlightened album (2013):
And be a fan here:
Exciting and fun times ahead.