Thank You For The (Record Store) Days

The adrenalin has worn off and I’ve been collapsed in a heap since Monday. Record Store Day was a tremendous success. More people than ever came down to the shop. There were loads of new faces and the Sun was shining. I couldn’t have asked for more. The VoxBox team would like to thank everyone who came down. Both the regulars customers and newbies. And heck, everyone that couldn’t make it down but wanted to. And why not, everyone who couldn’t make it down are are quitehappyaboutthisthankyouverymuch as well. Record shops need customers.

When I was thinking about who to thank for the day it became apparent that record shops need much more than customers. There was quite a large team of people involved in putting on the day.

The Oscars!
Best book launch: Thanks to Simon Goddard and Ian Rankin for kicking off the afternoon with the Q&A on The History of Postcard Records. A book currently sitting on my bedside table. We sold out of books.

Best bands in Scotland on RSD: Thanks to the musicians. Yusuf Azak, Book Group, Broken Records, LAW, Stanley Odd, Pictish Trail and Tuff Love. I think that’s what RSD is really about: Showing off the amount of talent on our doorstep. More on this later.

Best behind the scenes team: Thank you to Andy and Paddy at Gerry Loves Records for all the help organising the day and looking after the crazy M&M demands of the bands above.

Best merch stall: Thanks to Charlotte!

Best PA hire company: Matthew Toad

Best venue: Thanks to the Antiquary down the road for letting us take over the bar all day.

Best record shop staff: Chiquita and Andy for their hard work and my Freshair Radio co-presenter, Dom for joining in.

Thanks to Matthew for helping with filming at short notice and Niall for taking care of the sound for the bands. I’m really looking forward to seeing the footage.

Best after party: The Electric Circus (and full band Stanley Odd and The Cairn String Quartet)

Best Street: erm St Stephen Street obviously

Best family: Thanks to Helen for putting up with all the cardboard boxes at home and all of the family that came down.

Thanks also to VoxBox George and co. and all the friends that offered help.

The shop is still a mess and there’s still a full drum kit in the backroom.

Next year…

I’ll scratch my chin a bit about next year.

Thanks again,



Voxbox Blog

The Shop

VoxBox Music became the newest record shop in the world on May 21st 2011. We buy and sell vinyl and other formats of music. We are independent and sell mostly pre-owned records although we are slowly branching into new vinyl too.

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